Published on June 9, 2004 By gilli In Health & Medicine
So ok not all I write about are going to have the topic of Paganism in it. Now today the nutritionist told me I am probablly perimenopausal. Thats ok with me to and now that i read about it i know more about it . Im possative thats it. I know how come it brought it on to. First for about 15 years I was a smoker. That can bring on the onset sooner. The other inportat factor is that i got my tubes tied. The ysay that can bring it on. The thing about it is i'm only 29, but they say it's possable. In my case I can see how it would be there is not jsut the two contributing factors. i have suffered from anxiety and depression all my life and that would lead to early onset. The hot flashes just started about a month ago nut the other symptoms, the mood swings and the insomnia started about four months ago. The fatgue started about a year ago then went away, and came back here recentlly. The irregular periods started right after I got my tubes tied five years ago, but the Dr said that would let up. It didn't. i'm glad i am going perimenopausal in a way even though it's rather irratating. The upside is that I will most likley go threw the real thing sooner, and that will mean NO MORE PERIODS EVER! That makes me happy, you see my tubes are tied anyway, I can no longer have children and i don't want another one. I do not feel like I lost my woman- hood. I'm glad about it to an extent. Althought there are some downsides. like all the crappy hormone changes and symptoms. If i take the right meds and herbs and stuff I can get threw that. Anyway, anyone suffering from hot flashes and night sweats out there who would like to jump threw this computor right now and rip all the mens heads off that are hanging out here tonight. Just because they are men. Then take small comphort in the fact taht soon you will no longer have your "Monthly Friend" Um, wait friend, FRIEND! Yeah lets get rid of that useless ,discustiung,embarsing, mess as soon as possable. Woo Hoo.
on Jun 09, 2004
Forgive my ignorance but do you mean pre - menopause?
Cause other wise - I'm confused

But congratulations (I think ) I hate that particular "friend" too
on Jun 09, 2004

I have heard of women going through perimenopause for about 10 years, so it may be awhile that you are going to go through this if that is what is going on.

I think you may want to discuss this with a gynecologist as they would be a better judge than a nutritionist.  There could be other things that are causing this that would require treatment.

on Jun 15, 2004
I'd just like to apologise for my comment about your spelling. It was completely stupid and unjustified.
Thing is, I have an irrational obsession with spelling, even though mine's not brilliant. I call it compulsive editing syndrome.